One Fresh Divot

Friday, October 14, 2005

That's Try That Again...

Welcome to the inauguarl post of That's One Big Divot. The title was tougher to come up with than i thought -- but I've always struggled at coming up with titles, nicknames, etc. (everything other than headlines). Oh and for you blog-haters, you should know it's not that I'm buying into this craze -- well, maybe a little bit. I've decided blogs are here to stay. But I figure with so many idiots out there blasting their propaganda and incomplete ideas out for public consumption you need people like this guy to cut through the crap. Plus, you need media saavyness to bring you the stuff you want to read. So, consider this a round table and I hope to hear your comments.

But enough about you, this is about me too. If you don't know me well, you soon will learn of my rants and raves, friends and family, and passion for journalism, current events, sports, and issues you may or may not have heard of. I will pull some punches, but merely so I get you all riled up. Worked for the Editorial pages at the Daily, no? Let's do this...


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